Terms & Conditions


Steppaz Terms and Conditions apply to all members and classes to ensure the smooth running of Steppaz. Parents are required to sign an agreement as part of the registration process. This ensures everyone respects all agreements and procedures set out by Steppaz.


All members are required to have a Steppaz Membership Package, which is charged annually from the time the member registered with Steppaz. Steppaz Membership Package are inclusive of Steppaz Uniform and Administrative Fees.

If you would like to terminate your contract with Steppaz, you must provide us with a four-week notice and Steppaz will cancel your payment. Any payments that full within the four-week notice period must be paid


Steppaz classes take place weekly and run side by side the Academic Year. All members must attend all classes they are registered for, all dates and times can be found on the Steppaz class4kids app and website via our calendar.

Members MUST arrive in uniform and wait outside until called by a staff member. 

Parents/Carers can wait in our waiting area during classes. 

Members, if late must apologies to their teacher and other members and ensure you warm up before you start the class.

Members who arrive more then 15 minutes late to their class will NOT be able to participate.

Parent/Carers must inform Steppaz if their child/ren will be absent from Steppaz for any reason. If their child is absent 3 consecutive times, they will be unable to participate in the Steppaz shows.

Parents/Carers will incur a late fee of £10 if your child is collected 15mins after their class has ended.


New registrations can attend a FREE trial/taster before becoming a Steppaz member. If a member then joins after the trial/taster, they will need to pay for the trial/taster they attended.


Fees are £384 (subject to price plan and including of admin fee) annually which is £32 instalments over 12 months for classes, which means payment is required during the holiday periods. At NO point are you charged for a class that is NOT taking place. 

At the point of booking you agree to direct debit payments to be taken on the 1st of each month. If payment fails this will result in a payment and a £10 late fee will occur automictically, If payment is still not made a late fee will continue to be added weekly.

Late fees will apply for 4 weeks; if payment is still outstanding the member will not be able to take part in his/her class until balance is cleared.


Steppaz will request additional costs/contributions that will go towards costumes for any Steppaz related shows, internal or external events and competitions.

Payment is requested BEFORE costumes are put in process to be handmade. 


All members part of the competition team are given a separate contact with additional terms and conditions


Steppaz will use any photography and/or video footage of all members taken for marketing material, providing that the appropriate permission was given when each member registered.


Steppaz work towards a production at the end of the Summer and Autumn Term, in a professional theatre. All family and friends are welcome to attend via our website.


Steppaz accept no responsibility for any loss or damaged personal belongings. If lost property is collected it will be kept for 4 weeks and then disposed of.


Steppaz staff are DBS Checked and Steppaz chaperones are fully licensed and trained by the local authority. Staff and Chaperones may use physical contact ONLY to assist member’s development in dance, assisting with First Aid and costume changes.


Steppaz is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of its members. We treat all personal details in strict compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and only collect information in order to provide and monitor our services.


All parent/carer and members must follow Steppaz Code of Conduct whilst Steppaz is running. Steppaz has the right to ask any member to leave at our discretion. 


  • Members MUST wear their Steppaz Uniform to each class. Jewellery is to be kept to a pair of plain ear studs, no watches. If you are not in the correct clothing, you will be sent home.
  • Members are not allowed to eat in the studio.
  • • Members are only allowed to drink water during class.
  • • Members must not chew gum during class.
  • • Members must not use their mobile phones during class, in case of an emergency Steppaz phone is available.
  • Members must show respect and follow any instruction by all Steppaz staff.
  • Members must show respect to all Steppaz members.
  • Members showing inappropriate behaviour (bullying, bad language, lack of respect) will be removed from the class. 
  • Members must give 100% during class.


  • Parent/Carer must supervise their child/ren while waiting at the venue to ensure they do not disrupt classes, injure themselves or others. 
  • Parent/Carer are a representative of Steppaz and the behaviour of parent/carer need to be honourable and respectful at all times.
  • Parent/Carer are expected to respect all Steppaz staff & families. If inappropriate behaviour is shown to a staff member or family, they will be asked to leave. 
  • Parent/Carer must respect and follow the advice and direction provided by staff and is supportive of their children’s efforts. It is more important to focus on children’s efforts rather than winning or losing.
  • Parent/Carer must partner with Steppaz to resolve any issues so their child/ren can return to class quickly. If the child/ren behaviour doesn’t improve they will be asked to leave Steppaz.


All members MUST wear their Steppaz uniform to every class they attend.

All members will receive their uniform 2 weeks after starting or when membership is renewed;

Steppaz T-shirt

Steppaz Leggings                   Steppaz Joggers

Steppaz advice all members to wear trainers, plimsolls or jazz shoes


This policy provides Steppaz students and parents guidelines for the use of social media. It includes but is not limited to:

Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Snapchat, Pintrest, Blogging platforms and Youtube

It is strictly prohibited to:

*Post or share information of a personal nature about any member of staff, students, volunteers or their families.

*Share information that compromises Steppaz and could bring the company into disrepute. Post pictures or videos of other students without consent from that student’s parents.

*Videos recorded during rehearsal periods are strictly for personal use. It is preferred that you only post photos of your own child.

*Share Information, post footage or photos that could damage the self-esteem of any Steppaz student.

*Give the impression that they are talking as an official representative or on behalf of Steppaz.

*Post negative comments about competition organisers, judges, other dance schools, events, studios or the performance of others.

*It is preferred that you share official footage/photos posted by Steppaz on our social media channels from competitions, shows etc instead of your own to protect the wishes of other students who may have opted out of having their images used.

Please be aware that as a company we (Steppaz) own the copyright to any original footage or photos we post.

In the event that this policy is not adhered to, Steppaz Management serves the right to withdraw your child from the


Please respect the law around the Defamation Act 2013



Anyone working with Steppaz will be required to provide a DBS certificate – the number will be stored on file. Steppaz will keep a check on expiry dates of disclosure certificates and ensure they are updated.

Steppaz will strive to obtain written references for all its artists, but a verbal confirmation of previous employment will be mandatory.

Dealing with suspicions

If a member staff or volunteer working for Steppaz sees or suspects abuse of a child he/she will make safeguarding officer aware of the concern. If that person is the source of the problem – the member of staff will pass their concerns onto another member of staff or relevant agency.

In any event the teacher/artist will make a note of what they have witnessed the for records and immediately inform the safeguarding officer of Steppaz.

Dealing with Disclosures

It is possible that a young person who is or has suffered abuse will confide in a dance teacher, member of staff or volunteer. The following action should be taken if there are any concerns of abuse – the teacher/artist will:

Will not delay in taking action but will remain calm.

Allow the student to speak at their own pace and listen carefully.

Will keep questions to a minimum so as not to lead answers.

Will not promise to ‘keep a secret’ and ensure that the student understands that they need to share the information.

Reassure the student

Immediately speak to the person the safeguarding officer and ensure they know what has been said.

As soon as possible after the disclosure has been made write down what was said using the student’s own words be sure to use names mentioned, dates, times and any other relevant info. This statement should be signed and dated.

Dealing with Accidents

All injuries, accidents or incidents involving students that take place whilst in class time, shows or events hosted by Steppaz must be reordered in the relevant book which can be found at the Steppaz’s front desk. All entries should be signed by the teacher present and countersigned by the safeguarding officer and the student’s parents where possible.

The same should be done if a student arrives to class or event with a significant, visible injury. Making sure it is noted that the young person arrived with the injury and that it was not sustained during the session.

Teachers/Staff Responsibility

It is the duty of any teacher/artist working on behalf of Steppaz to immediately inform management if they feel they are being placed either intentionally or unintentionally, in a position where they or young people in their care may be put in a position of risk.

All members of staff, volunteers and students are encouraged to discuss any concerns with the appointed safeguarding officer

Talisha Anderson-Wright        Tabs Francis

    Safeguarding Officer              Engagement Officer


talisha@steppaz.co.uk or tabs@steppaz.co.uk

See following page for definitions of abuse:

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is the actual or likely to injury to a child, or failure to prevent physical injury (or suffering) to a child. It includes hitting, beating with a stick or other implement, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, drowning or suffocating. This could result in bruises, burns, bite marks, cuts, head injury, whiplash, internal injuries and broken bones. It may also include the situation where a carer deliberately causes ill health to a child they are looking after or feigns ill-health in a child they are looking after. This may involve forcing the child to work in an unsafe way/environment, or depriving the child of the necessities of food, water, sunlight or air.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is the actual or likely sexual exploitation of a child or adolescent. It involves encouraging, forcing, or enticing a child to take part in or observe sexual activities that they may or may not truly comprehend. It includes any action with sexual intent towards children such as touching a child’s genitals, asking a child to touch the genitals of others, encouraging the child to watch or take part in pornography, or having sex with the child whether they appear to be consenting. It involves the child not being able to give informed consent and may violate social taboos or family roles. It includes rape, incest and all forms of sexual activity involving children, such as pornography or prostitution. It is criminal behavior to involve children in sexual behaviors for which they are not personally, socially, and developmentally ready.


Neglect is the persistent or severe failure to meet a child’s basic physical and psychological needs or failure to protect a child from danger. It is any action that deliberately neglects the right to live, the right to learn, the right to participate and the right to speak. Neglect is likely to result in serious impairment to the child’s health and development. It may involve a carer failing to protect a child from exposure to cold or starvation or extreme failure to carry out important aspects of care.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is the actual or likely persistent or severe emotional ill treatment or rejection of a child, which is likely to have an adverse effect on the child’s emotional and behavioral development. It includes any actions (gestures, word and behaviors) that deliberately cause children to feel afraid, anxious, in danger, corrupted, exploited, annoyed or discouraged. It may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless, unloved, and inadequate. It involves neglecting to give enough love and attention, not making the child feel secure and worthy, or verbally assaulting the child by belittling, blaming, sarcasm, screaming and threats.


Bullying is increasingly recognised as harmful to children and adolescents. It could involve physical intimidation, verbal intimidation, or emotional intimidation. It may include racist and sexist remarks or isolating or excluding someone. It always involves a less powerful person experiencing deliberate hostility.

REF – VIVA International Children’s Organisation


Check List:

All Fire Exits are not blocked or locked.

All hazardous objects are stored away safely.

The floor is free from any trip hazards, i.e. Shoes, bags, coats etc.

The dance floor is not wet.

jewellery is kept to a pair of plain ear studs. No watches

All classes begin with a register.

Appropriate Warm up and cool downs must be carried out.

Drinking water should be always available to all students.

No child should be pushed beyond their physical or mental capabilities.

All accidents must be logged in the 'Accident book', The schools accident form must be filled out, signed and given to the child’s parent/Guardian.

  Only those granted to right to do so at enrolment should be allowed to collect a child at the end of any session


Steppaz work with children and families will bring us into contact with confidential information. To ensure that all those using and employed within the Steppaz we will respect confidentiality in the following ways;

Parents will have access to the files and records of their own child but will not have access to information regarding any other child.

Staff will not discuss individual children other than the purposes of group management with people other than the parents/carers of the child. 

Information given by parents/carers to the manager will not be passed on to other adults without permission. 

Any anxieties/concerns and evidence relating to a child’s personal safety will be kept in a confidential file and will not be shared within the school except with management. 

 Students/helpers within the school will all be informed of confidentiality policy and required to respect it.


A child performing or rehearsing for a performance must be always supervised, by a local authority registered chaperone having specific regard to their sex and age. As a minimum this must be at a 1:10 ratio, unless they are under the direct supervision of either their parent or teacher from school. 

Steppaz chaperones are all DBS checked and fully licensed trained by the local authority. Steppaz chaperones may use physical contact ONLY to assist members assisting with First Aid and costume changes.

Steppaz chaperones must have details of all children they are supervising, including emergency contact details and keep a record of the times of arrival, performance, brake and departure. 

Steppaz chaperones must ensure that children in their care only work hours that they are licensed.


LOW Incident

Minor Injuries and illnesses that do not require hospital attendance. Medical treatment for pre-existing medical condition

Example: Small cuts, Grazes, Sprains, Bruises, Self-harm, Stomach bug, Fainting, Nose bleeds, Insect bites, Wound infections, Bump to head -without loss of consciousness

MEDIUM Incident

Major Injuries and illnesses that requires hospital attendance and Emergency Services in attendance. Urgent medical attention for pre-existing medical condition that is not threat to life

Example: Wasp/Bee sting, Self-harm, Fractures/major sprains Head injury - Need observing/loss of consciousness, Burns, Asthma attack, Poisoning, Physical fight, Fall or trip, Eye injuries, Urgent medical attention for pre-existing medical condition that is not threat to life

HIGH Incident

Major incident that is life changing injuries that requires hospital attendance and Emergency Services in attendance. Resulting threat to life or fatality

Example: Chocking, Suffocation, Threat to life, Serious road traffic accidents 

Actions To Take

LOW Incident

- Take the appropriate first aid action

- Completes Incident Report found on the front desk

- Contact your safeguarding officer 

- Immediately

- Before the end of the session

- Immediately

MEDIUM Incident

- Take the appropriate first aid action

- Completes Incident Report found on the front desk

- Contact your safeguarding officer

- Safeguarding officer or Parent Liaison Officer to contacts parents/carer

- Immediately

- Before the end of the session

- Immediately

- Immediately

HIGH Incident

- Call emergency services

- Safeguarding officer and Parent Liaison Officer is to liaises with police/authorities if necessary

- Take the appropriate first aid action

- Completes Incident Report which can be found in the forms

- Contact your manager

- Safeguarding officer and Parent Liaison Officer to contacts parents/guardian 

A Director notifies the Health and Safety Executive on 0845 399 9923 or http://www.hse.gov.uk/riddor/index.htmifappropriate

- Immediately first

- Immediately

- Before the end of the session

- Immediately

- Immediately

- Within 15 days of incident

Steppaz Staff Contact details:

Talisha Anderson-Wright - 07946-141-012


The aim of this policy is to communicate the commitment of Steppaz to the promotion of diversity.

We are proud to embrace and work with and embrace a wide network of individuals who work with us and act as freelancers. All contractors and staff are very aware of the policy and its content.

It is our policy to employ and to work with all people irrespective of:

Gender, marital or family status

Religious belief or political opinion


Race or ethnic origin


Sexual orientation


Unfair discrimination is not acceptable and seen as gross misconduct by staff which can lead to instant dismissal, similarly students who discriminate may be asked to leave.

All Teachers (actual or potential) go through a fair selection for employment and promotion and training will be on a basis of performance and ability only.

We believe in a method of working that is not only anti-discriminatory but also anti-oppressive, where all barriers for access are removed or challenged.

If at any time a student to staff member of Steppaz feels that they have been discriminated against or have witnessed an act of discrimination it must be reported to a member of management immediately.


This policy provides Steppaz staff and volunteers guidelines if in any case a child is lost at class, performance or event.  

Child going missing on Steppaz sites 

  • Let Steppaz lead staff/safeguarding officer know with a general physical description of the child, and if you know the child’s name and where they were last seen. This must all be written down. 
  • Check register to ensure no other children have gone astray. 
  • Steppaz lead staff/safeguarding officer to carry out a thorough search of the building, doors and gates to be checked. 
  • Steppaz lead staff/safeguarding officer call the police and their parent if not found.
  • Parent/carer attending class are responsible for their own children at all times if not attending Steppaz classes.

Finding a lost child at a performance or event 

  • Let Steppaz lead staff/event lead know with a general physical description of the child, do not state the full name of the child. 
  • Check register to ensure no other children have gone astray. 
  • Wait with the child until Steppaz safeguarding lead/security team arrive to collect the lost child. Ensure to reassure the child that we will find their parent/carer.
  • We advise you only hold the child’s hand.
  • If the child discloses anything information to you, ensure this is reported immediately to the Steppaz safeguarding lead/event lead, write down what they have told you in their own words. The police maybe called and would need to meet with you will.
  • Ensure to always stay professional to ensure your actions are not mis-interpreted. 

Reporting a lost child at an performance or event 

  • Ask for a general description (gender, age, hair, clothing) where and when they were last seen and report to Steppaz safeguarding lead/event lead.
  • If you see inappropriate behaviour from an adult to a child, speak to the adult to ensure everything is ok. Report your concerns to Steppaz safeguarding lead/event lead and ensure this is written down.
  • Do not discuss any information with anyone unless on a need-to-know bases. 
  • Ensure to always stay professional to ensure your actions are not mis-interpreted.